We’re happy to announce that our latest batch of B.C. Big Leaf Maple Syrup is ready to taste! We’ve been tapping the local Big Leaf Maple trees here in B.C. for many years, each winter bringing its own adventures and learning experiences. The syrup produced by the Big Leaf Maple is something truly incredible. The flavour profile has hints of vanilla, caramel and a light smokiness that is barely perceptible. Richer in flavour and darker in colour compared to the eastern maple syrup, we are very proud of our western maple product. The feedback we have received from our happy customers speaks for itself.

If you missed us at the Vancouver Christmas Market this year, you’ll be happy to learn that our newest batch of maple syrup can be ordered online or through our offices here in Burnaby, B.C. and our new Portland, Oregon location!
We have now tapped these trees in many different locations in and around southern B.C. and over the years we’ve discovered that each tree and region of the province produces its own signature flavour of maple syrup. The timing of the tapping season will also contribute to and affect the flavour, colour and consistency of the syrup. In the food and wine industry, this phenomenon is known as “terroir”. What this means is that each bottle of maple syrup we produce is truly unique, special and one of a kind. Each has different soil conditions, temperature and rainfall. The rarity of B.C. maple syrup overall makes this our Big Leaf Maple Syrup a very special treat for yourself or as a gift.
Our favourite way to enjoy B.C. maple syrup is drizzled over a bowl of frozen wild berries. It is a wonderfully cheeky treat to have after a nice meal! Many people use our syrup on dessert dishes, pancakes, waffles, to sweeten oatmeal or even tea and coffee. We advise a light hand when serving as this isn’t your regular maple syrup; it packs quite a punch and a few drops go a long way!
Stay tuned for more news on our upcoming harvests. Our Spring Greens season is approaching, with lots of tasty nutritious wild greens just around the corner.
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